Here you can find information about fees on DeDust.io.
Fee for swaps
The default fee on DeDust.io is 0.25%.
Sometimes founders ask us to set another fee, and in some cases, we fulfill this requirement and set a custom fee. You can see the fee displayed at the top of the pool page, right under the name and logo.
Swap fee distribution
Every fee is distributed between liquidity providers and $SCALE stakers. 80% of the fee collected is reinvested back to the pools (these are LP rewards), while the remaining goes to stakers. E.g. if the fee in the pool is 0.25%, then 0.2% (0.25% * 80%) of the swapped amount goes to liquidity providers, while the remaining 0.05% (0.25% * 20%) is distrubuted among stakers.
Fee for launching Boosts
Boost is a user-friendly analog of farming campaign. It simplifies the process for newcomers while providing additional income opportunities for seasoned users.
DeDust.io Boost is a permissionless tool. Anybody can boost any pool, providing rewards for liquidity providers. The fee for launch is 0.5%.
Last updated