
In this section you will find answers to the frequent questions about boosts.

What is Boost

Boost is a revolutionary way for products and enthusiasts to reward users for providing liquidity. Think of it as a farming campaign with a focus on user experience (UX), suitable for newbies, and offering opportunities that are attractive to experienced crypto users.

A Boosted pool is a pool with additional rewards for liquidity providers. This means that if a person deposits liquidity into a pool, they will not only receive their share of swap fees but also enjoy additional rewards on top of it.

Advantages of boost compared to regular farming

  • Boosts do not require any additional actions besides depositing liquidity. There's no need to send LP tokens for farming β€” you can simply deposit liquidity into a boosted pool and receive additional rewards.

  • One pool may be boosted by multiple tokens at the same time. Anyone can add rewards (Boosts) to any pool. There is no limit to the amount of Boosts happening simultaneously in one pool.

  • Boosts allow you to earn more by putting your LP tokens to work in other supported protocols. Since Boosts do not require users to put LP tokens into a smart contract, these tokens may be used in other farming-like protocols. ❗These protocols must be supported by If a user puts LP tokens into non-supported protocols, LP rewards will be credited to the smart contract that holds LP tokens. At this moment (May 1st, 2024) there are no supported protocols on the market. We work on integrating several farming protocols, this document will be updated when the integration happens. We will announce it in our social medias as well.

Last updated