🪙About SCALE

SCALE is a native token of DeDust.io and other upcoming products of the Scaleton ecosystem.

Initial supply: 21 000 000



4 313 384,9


On the market

5 463 615,1



548 000



1 225 000


Core Team

4 200 000


Ecosystem Fund

5 250 000


Ownership is revoked, there will be no new tokens issued.

  • Ecosystem Fund — 25% Tokens will be used for acquisitions and grants.

  • Core Team — 20% Tokens will be used for staking and as rewards for core team members.

  • Development — 5,83% Tokens will be used to fund the development of DeDust.io and other Scaleton products.

  • Marketing — 2,61% Tokens will be used to expand the user base.

SCALE Utility

On the 2nd of May, 2024, we introduced SCALE staking, funded by DeDust.io protocol fees. We collect fees, buy back SCALE, and distribute it among stakers.

80% of this fee goes back to the pool as rewards for liquidity providers, and the remaining 20% is converted into SCALE and distributed to stakers.

As an illustration, trading fee in the pool is 0.0025 (0.25%). Then, 0.002 (0.20%) of the trading volume goes to LP, and the rest 0.0005 (0.05%) is used for staking rewards.

We plan to earn by staking our share of SCALE as well.

Last updated